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MMV #009: Coffee (again) and Visualization

Good morning, Vetrepreneur!

Looking back through previous editions, this will be the third entrepreneur in the coffee industry.

Either a lot of veterans are getting into coffee or I have a problem with coffee and my network reflects that...

I'm going to say it's them, not me. I definitely don't have a problem with coffee. I can stop drinking it any time I want. Just don't ask me to.

If you're new to MMV and curious about the previous coffee articles, here they are:

MMV #008: Coffee Empires and Customer Experience

MMV #001: Luke Peelgrane and Finance Separation

In the crosshairs: Michael Klemmer

In the world of entrepreneurship, some individuals possess a remarkable ability to turn their passions into a thriving businesses.

One such veteran entrepreneur is Michael Klemmer, a retired Army supply officer who embarked on the unexpected journey of creating Aerial Resupply Coffee (get 10% off your 1st order). Through determination, resilience, and a grassroots marketing approach, he has successfully built a brand that resonates with a unique market.

His story acts as a roadmap for any aspiring entrepreneur looking to get into coffee and retail by exploring the challenges, triumphs, and valuable insights he gained along the way.

Discovering a Niche: The Birth of Aerial Resupply Coffee

After retiring from a fulfilling military career, Michael found himself questioning the next chapter of his life.

The transition to a civilian job left him wondering, "Is this it? Is this all there is?" He had been used to being a Brigade Operations Officer, which consumed every minute of his day. Even with a full time job post-military, he found himself with more time than he knew what to do with.

It was during this period that he stumbled upon an ad for Black Rifle Coffee Company (BRCC), which sparked a pivotal idea. It was early in BRCCs story, and he saw this company speaking to a very specific part of the military. But not everything in the military is the high-speed, low-drag world of the Ranger community.

He realized there was a sub-niche market waiting to be tapped—the combat service support.

Building Aerial Resupply Coffee from Scratch

Motivated by his newfound vision, he embarked on a mission to create a coffee company that catered specifically to those who serve in service support roles.

He came from the supply world and wanted to build a brand that represented this hard working community that is often overlooked for the sexier combat arms fields. Less dark humor, more dry humor. This is MASH meets The Office.

With just 30 days of researching coffee logistics and basic entrepreneurship necessities, he built a fully functioning business. Striving to embrace a lean, bootstrapped approach, he initially invested a mere $500, viewing it as a challenge to see what he could achieve with limited resources.

Challenges and Triumphs: The Entrepreneurial Journey

Launching ARC presented a myriad of challenges, from designing a website and packaging to roasting and importing coffee.

Undeterred, he tackled each obstacle, applying his strategic mindset honed during his military service. In the Army his philosophy was "Don't do anything illegal, immoral, unethical, or unsafe - outside of that you're good to go."

He took that attitude with him into business.

As Aerial Resupply gained traction, he realized the importance of brand awareness and connecting with his customer-base. Recognizing that any awareness is better than none, he emphasized building a strong brand identity and creating a message that resonated with his audience.

He started his marketing campaign just over two years ago with around 6,000 followers on LinkedIn. Through regular, consistent, and innovative content creation, he has now amassed more than 40,000 followers on that platform alone. He has no aversion to testing ideas and scrapping content when it doesn't work.

With a solid foundation now in place, his next focus has shifted towards scaling the business and expanding distribution channels.

Scaling Challenges and Looking to the Future

With the business model vetted, a loyal customer base established, and positive product reviews, the next hurdle for ARC lies in distribution.

He aims to create demand at scale, leveraging channels such as Amazon, his own website, and local retailers. To support the growing demand, he has brought on interns, family members, and a veteran to assist with various aspects from social media outreach to operations.

In the last 5 months he's gone from a solo company to a team of 5.

His entrepreneurial journey continues to evolve, with recent achievements including the completion of his patent application and the impending launch of the ARC store on Amazon (by the beginning of Q4). As he navigates the intricacies of UPC codes and GTINs (this is a whole topic of conversation for anyone considering retail), Michael demonstrates his lifelong desire to learn and adapt to new challenges.

Michael's story exemplifies the power of passion, determination, and resourcefulness in the entrepreneurial world.

From the initial spark of an idea to the current challenges of scaling, he has remained committed to building a business that serves a unique market. Through grassroots marketing, a commitment to quality, and the ability to adapt, Michael has turned Aerial Resupply Coffee into a brand that resonates with both veterans and coffee enthusiasts alike.

As he continues to expand his distribution channels and leverage his experiences, Michael's journey serves as an inspiration to other vetrepreneurs looking to make their mark in the business world.

Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs):

Entrepreneurship can be an isolated world that leaves you alone with your thoughts.

And those thoughts won't always be kind to you.

This is why it's so important for you to have techniques to help you handle self-doubt, loss of drive, and despair, while building up your confidence and keeping you focused on what your business can become.

These techniques are called positive self-talk and visualization.

These powerful tools can are incredibly easy in concept, but challenging in practice. Spiraling into an abyss of self-pity will happen if you let your mind do it, but having a method to counter it will keep you thinking positively with your goals in sight. So, let's dive in and explore how you can leverage the magic of self-talk and visualization to supercharge your entrepreneurial journey.

Positive Self-Talk: The Mighty Voice Within

Let's focus to the power of positive self-talk—a force that can shape your mindset, beliefs, and actions. By using the following method, you can harness this power to fuel your entrepreneurial journey:

  1. Start with a Realistic, Positive Affirmation: Begin your day with a simple affirmation that resonates with your aspirations. Repeat it several times, reminding yourself of your potential and the positive outcomes you seek.
  2. Strengthen Your Affirmation with Visualization: As you recite your affirmation, accompany it with vivid visualizations that amplify its impact. Picture yourself embodying the qualities and achievements aligned with your affirmation. This fusion of positive self-talk and visualization creates a powerful combination.
  3. Keep a Journal of Affirmations: Write daily where you jot down your affirmations. This practice helps you reinforce and remember them, keeping them at the forefront of your mind. It serves as a personal catalog of empowering beliefs and motivates you to stay aligned with your positive self-talk.
  4. Mirror Talk: Stand in front of a mirror, look into your eyes, and read your affirmations out loud. This exercise creates a powerful connection between your self-talk and your self-perception. Embrace your reflection as a reminder of your worth, potential, and unwavering determination.
  5. Meditate on Your Affirmations: Incorporate your affirmations into your meditation practice. During moments of focused introspection, such as workouts or quiet contemplation, let your positive self-talk guide your thoughts. Immerse yourself in the belief that you are capable, deserving, and on the path to success.
  6. Patience: Positive self-talk is a continuous journey. It requires patience and persistence. Embrace the process, understanding that small steps and consistent effort lead to lasting transformation. Be kind to yourself, celebrate progress, and have faith in your abilities.
  7. Express Gratitude: Take time each day to express gratitude for the present moment and the opportunities before you. Use this practice as an opportunity to reinforce your positive self-talk, acknowledging the progress you've made and the strengths you possess.
  8. Embrace Setbacks: Mistakes and setbacks are an inevitable part of any journey. Don't let these moments derail your long-term effort. View them as valuable lessons and opportunities for growth. Keep your positive self-talk intact, and let it guide you back on track.

The Art of Visualization

Harnessing the power of visualization is accomplished by painting yourself a clear picture of your future.

Take a moment to imagine yourself already achieving your business goals. See yourself thriving, making a difference, and reaping the rewards of your hard work. Visualize the specific details—the sights, sounds, and emotions—of your desired outcome.

By vividly envisioning your success, you create a mental roadmap that propels you towards your goals.

Imagining Overcoming Challenges: Your Mental Gymnastics

As an entrepreneur, challenges are inevitable. But here's where visualization becomes your secret weapon.

Imagine yourself overcoming these challenges with ease and grace. Visualize yourself confidently tackling obstacles, finding innovative solutions, and emerging victorious. By visualizing success in the face of challenges, you program your mind to embrace them as opportunities for growth and development.

Using All Your Senses: Making It Real

To make your visualizations even more impactful, engage all your senses.

See the vibrant colors, hear the enthusiastic applause, feel the excitement in your bones, and taste the sweet satisfaction of achievement. The more senses you involve, the more real and compelling your visualizations become.

By fully immersing yourself in these mental experiences, you align your subconscious mind with your aspirations, driving you towards the desired outcomes.

Take Action with Your Imagination: Turning Dreams into Reality

Visualization is not a passive activity—it's a catalyst for action.

Use your imagination to ignite your entrepreneurial drive. Let the vivid images and emotions propel you forward, inspiring you to take the necessary steps to turn your dreams into reality. Visualization serves as a guide, reminding you of your destination and empowering you to take purposeful action towards your goals.

As you embark on your entrepreneurial journey, remember the immense power of positive self-talk and visualization.

Use these techniques to create a mental environment that nurtures confidence, resilience, and unwavering belief in your ability to succeed. By consistently practicing positive self-talk and vividly visualizing your desired outcomes, you'll pave the way for remarkable achievements in your business.

If you enjoyed this and you need help starting or growing your business, there are a few ways I can help.

Business Plan Development Guide: Starting a company without a business plan is like constructing a house without a blueprint - you won't know what you're building or where you're going. Use this step-by-step guide to make sure you have a deep understanding of your environment and how you'll succeed.

Business Pre-Flight Checklist: Having a checklist to walk you through each step of the entrepreneurial process will turn the daunting idea of starting a business into a series of manageable tasks.

One-on-One Coaching: Accountability, experience, and honest guidance. If you're needing help getting started or your growth has stalled, please schedule a free introductory call to see how I can best support your goals.

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