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The $50 Million Opportunity Hiding in Plain Sight


The $50 Million Opportunity Hiding in Plain Sight

Read time: 5 min


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The best opportunities for building a multi-million dollar empire doesn’t lie in the tech industry.

Rather, it’s in an industry most of our generation wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole.

Picture a thriving company, generating $15 million a year in revenue, with the owner comfortably writing himself a $3 million check each year.

Sounds like a dream, right? But there’s a catch – this business, though highly profitable, is anything but glamorous. It’s hard work, it’s dirty, and it’s far from the tech-driven careers that dominate today’s headlines.

It’s a drywall company servicing Northern Colorado.

For someone willing to roll up their sleeves and embrace the grit, though, this company represents an extraordinary opportunity.

In our society where many shy away from physical labor, being the person who isn’t afraid to get their hands dirty could be the key to unprecedented success. Coming from the SEAL Teams – despite the popular depiction of us with our perfectly styled hair and bronze tans, we happily put in the work.

Most veterans I know feel the same exact way.

This article explores how a savvy buyer with vision and energy can transform this already successful business into a $50 million regional powerhouse. No DEI training required.

The Current Situation

Let’s talk about the example at hand – a successful drywall company with a consistent track record of earning $15 million in revenue annually.

The current owner, who has built this business from the ground up, is writing himself a $3 million check each year.

That’s pure profit!

It’s a well-oiled machine with an established client base, reliable income, and a strong reputation in the market. So why is he selling?

Simple. He’s getting older, and he’s ready to retire. After decades of hard work, he’s content with the steady income and has no desire to push the business further. He’d rather take the cash payout from selling the business and enjoy his time with the growing family.

When asked why he hasn’t expanded into neighboring states or larger metropolitan areas, his response was candid: “Why? I’m writing myself a $3 million check every year.”

It’s tough to argue with the man.

For him, the business is fulfilling its purpose – providing a comfortable lifestyle without the headaches of expansion.

But here’s where the opportunity lies. His lack of incentive to grow the business opens the door for someone with the vision, energy, and ambition to take things to the next level.

What This Business Could Become

Imagine stepping into this business with fresh eyes and a hunger for growth.

The foundation is already solid – $15 million in revenue, a loyal customer base, and efficient operations. But with a bit of creativity and drive, the possibilities would quickly open up.

The first step? Regional expansion.

The current owner has kept the business local, focusing on a specific area that’s already saturated with his services. However, neighboring states and larger cities present untapped markets ripe for the picking.

This obviously comes with its own set of burdens and challenges, but that’s where youth and vigor come in.

By expanding the business’s footprint, a new owner could dramatically increase revenue streams. With strategic marketing and an investment in additional equipment and labor, it’s not far-fetched to see this business reaching $50 million in annual revenue within a few years.

Another avenue for growth is diversifying the services offered.

The drywall industry is closely connected to other sectors like painting, insulation, and general contracting.

By offering a broader range of services, the business can attract new clients and increase the average value of each project. This not only boosts revenue but also strengthens the business’s position as a one-stop shop in the construction industry.

Then there’s the potential to leverage technology.

While the business itself might not be tech-centric, integrating modern tools for project management, customer relationship management (CRM), and marketing could streamline operations and improve customer satisfaction.

The right technology can make the business more efficient and scalable, allowing it to handle more projects simultaneously without sacrificing quality.

The Power of Vision and Hard Work

The drywall business isn’t sexy.

It’s tough, gritty work that requires a hands-on approach and a willingness to embrace the less glamorous side of entrepreneurship. But that’s exactly why it’s such a compelling opportunity.

Let’s be honest. Most people in our generation are chasing the big tech startup, white collar jobs with the chance to become the next unicorn company and hit the Forbes 40 Under 40 list.

(Fun fact: most people on that list paid to be featured…)

For the right buyer – someone with the energy to grow, the vision to see what others don’t, and the work ethic to make it happen – this drywall company is a diamond in the rough.

It’s already a strong, profitable business, but with the right leadership, it could become so much more. The current owner may be content with his $3 million a year, but for someone with the ambition to expand, the potential is there to build a $50 million a year empire.

So, if you’re thinking about buying a business, don’t dismiss the industries that seem unappealing at first glance.

Often, the best opportunities are hiding in plain sight, waiting for someone willing to get their hands dirty. The question is: are you that person?

To find more opportunities like this one, check out Use promo code six_fifty to get 50% off for your first 6 months.

This week's Harder Not Smarter Podcast episode:

This Marine literally went from homeless to Harvard grad. In this week’s episode, Jon Cobb talks about the tough transition from military to civilian life, the power of action-driven learning, and why building deep, value-driven relationships is the secret to success. Plus, hear how retreats can give you the clarity you need to grow. Don't miss out — tune in now!

I have only one ask of you this month:

Every year I participate in the Swim for SOF charity event which raises money for The Honor Foundation - the organization that help me and so many other Navy SEALs successfully transition from the military to civilian life.

My goal this year is to raise enough money to fully sponsor 3 students going through the program: $30,000.

With your gracious help, we can make quick work of this target. Whether you contribute $1 or $1,000; every dollar donated helps special operators discover their next purpose in life.

I'm up to $5,700 in one week. Please click below to donate to this amazing cause!


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Kevin Seiff & Greg VanDyne

Sunny San Diego, CA
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